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module models

Global Variables


class Response

Wrapper around httpx.Response that provides a method to convert the response to a specific type.


  • response: The response to wrap.


  • as_type: Convert the response to a specific type.
  • as_type_for_func: Convert the response to the return type of function.

method __init__

__init__(response: Response)  None

method as_type

as_type(type_hint: Type)

Convert the response to a specific type. Supports dataclasses, pydantic models, dictionaries and lists of them.

method as_type_for_func

as_type_for_func(func: Callable[, ~ReturnType])  ~ReturnType

Convert the response to the return type of function.

class ClientConfiguration

Configuration for a client. This class is used to configure the client with default values for query parameters, headers, middlewares and error mappings. The configuration can be passed to the client as a parameter or as a class attribute.

method __init__

    base_url: Optional[str] = None,
    auth: Optional[Auth] = None,
    default_query_params: Dict[str, Any] = < factory >,
    default_headers: Dict[str, str] = < factory >,
    middlewares: Sequence[Union[Middleware, AsyncMiddleware]] = < factory >,
    error_mappings: Dict[int, Type] = < factory >
)  None

classmethod create

create(**values)  ClientConfiguration

Create a configuration from a dictionary. The dictionary can contain any of the attributes of the configuration. If an attribute is not present in the dictionary, the default value will be used.

classmethod extract_from_func_kwargs

    self_: Optional[BaseClient],
    cls_: Optional[BaseClient]
)  Optional[ForwardRef('ClientConfiguration')]

Extract the configuration from the function bounded to class. If function is not bounded to class, return None.

method merge

merge(other: 'ClientConfiguration')  ClientConfiguration

Merge two configurations. The values of the other configuration take precedence over the values of this configuration.

class EndpointConfiguration

Configuration for an endpoint. This class is used to configure the endpoint with a method, path, timeout and client configuration.

method __init__

    client_configuration: ClientConfiguration,
    method: str,
    path: str,
    timeout: Optional[float] = 5.0
)  None

property url_template

The URL template for the endpoint. The URL template is the base URL of the client configuration joined with the path of the endpoint configuration.

class RawRequest

A raw request. This class is used to configure a request with a method, URL template, path parameters, query parameters, headers, cookies, JSON body and timeout. The request can be prepared with a function and arguments. The function signature is used to modify the request before it is sent.

method __init__

    method: str,
    url_template: str,
    path_params: Dict[str, str] = < factory >,
    query_params: Dict[str, Any] = < factory >,
    headers: Dict[str, str] = < factory >,
    cookies: Dict[str, str] = < factory >,
    json: Dict[str, Any] = < factory >,
    timeout: Optional[float] = None
)  None

classmethod initialize

initialize(endpoint_configuration: EndpointConfiguration)  RawRequest

Initialize a request from an endpoint configuration. The request will be initialized with the default query parameters and headers of the client configuration.

method prepare

prepare(func: Callable, ** values)  RawRequest

Prepare the request with a function and arguments. The function signature is used to modify the request before it is sent.

method to_httpx_request

to_httpx_request()  Request

Convert the request to a httpx.Request.