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@gql decorator

The @gql decorator allows you to declare GraphQL clients, either through class-based or function-based declarations, much like how the @http decorator works. The primary difference is that you'll be defining a GraphQL query or mutation rather than an HTTP method and path.


@gql(query, *, base_url, timeout, default_headers, default_query_params, middlewares)
def method_name() -> dict:
@gql(query, *, base_url, timeout, default_headers, default_query_params, middlewares)
async def method_name() -> dict:

Arguments Table

The arguments for @gql are quite similar to those for @http. Instead of specifying an HTTP method and path, you specify a GraphQL query.

Argument Type Description
query str The GraphQL query to be executed.

Keyword-only arguments

All arguments after query are keyword-only arguments, so you must specify them by name.

Priority of the parameters resolution

The priority follows the same rules as in the @http decorator.