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Error mapping


Error mapping is a way to map errors from one type to another. This is useful when you want to parse errors from an external API to your own schema.

Default behavior

By default, if the server returns an error, the client will raise an HTTPException with the following attributes:

  • status_code - HTTP status code of the response, integer.
  • response - httpx.Response object.
  • raw_request - RawRequest object.

Mapping errors

You can map errors to your own schema by using the error_mappings argument of the @http decorator.

You can also use BaseClient class to set error mappings for all endpoints.


If you set error mappings for a specific endpoint, it will override the error mappings set in the BaseClient class.

from declarativex import http, Json
from declarativex.exceptions import HTTPException
from pydantic import BaseModel

class BadRequestSchema(BaseModel):
    email: str

    error_mappings={400: BadRequestSchema}
def create_user(user_data: dict = Json(...)) -> dict:
    """ Endpoint is raising 400 error. """

    create_user(user_data={"email": ""})
except HTTPException as e:
    print(e.status_code)  # 400
    print(e.response)  # BadRequestSchema(email='User with this email already exists.')


Now, if the server returns a 400 error, it will be parsed to BadRequestSchema automatically.