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The Authentication feature allows you to simplify the process of adding authentication to your HTTP clients.

Authentication Types

DeclarativeX supports the following authentication types:

Class name Location Description
BasicAuth Header Provide username and password,
it will add base64-encoded username:password into Authorization header.
BearerAuth Header Provide a token and it will add Authorization: Bearer {token} to headers.
HeaderAuth Header Provide header name and token = {header_name}: {token}.
QueryParamsAuth Query Provide a key and value, it will add it to query params: {url}?{key}={value}


from declarativex import BasicAuth

auth = BasicAuth(username="my_username", password="my_password")


from declarativex import BearerAuth

auth = BearerAuth("my_token")


from declarativex import HeaderAuth

auth = HeaderAuth(header_name="X-My-Header", value="my_token")


from declarativex import QueryParamsAuth

auth = QueryParamsAuth(key="key", value="my_token")


Class-based declaration

from declarativex import http, BaseClient, BearerAuth

class MyClient(BaseClient):
    base_url = ...
    auth = BearerAuth("my_token")

    @http("GET", "/users")
    def get_users(self) -> dict:

Function-based declaration

from declarativex import http, BearerAuth

@http("GET", "/users", auth=BearerAuth("my_token"))
def get_users() -> dict:


If auth declared in both class and function, the function auth will be used because it has more prioritized parameters.